The title reflects the majority of mainstream Europe in the struggle to keep Europe secular and diverse in culture and faith or rather the absence it's thereof. As the 'genre' move away from the Churches and the pews lay silent in the medieval Churches built by our fathers, many begin to wonder, some ask "what went wrong?" or " who is to blame?" But as these questions are being asked the Evil ones are hard at work, most of their traps have already been set up and they are casting into their nets thousands of blind European citizens.
One thing is clear, that the destruction outside is a reflection of the destruction inside, the destruction within the Church, as the blind keep leading the blind. Many average Catholics are ignorant of the destruction taking place before their very eyes and some have even become immune to the sacrileges that take place within the Churches of the world on a daily bases. What sacrileges one asks ? The very fact that mass itself has become nothing more than a communal meal were dance and behavior fit for a Rock concert (if even there) is acceptable in the temple of the Lord.
For nearly 2000 years the Roman Catholic Church was recognised by it's faithful as the One Holy Catholic & Apostolic Church, a world wide Church bound together not only by a common rite of mass, said in a common language but by shared beliefs, honoured traditions and by the proclamations of infallible dogmas. Today that Church is a house divided against itself, split between Traditionalists and modernists between the sanctity of the old and liberalism of the new Once the magnificent spirals of Catholic Churches around the world reached like arms outstretched to heaven proudly proclaiming the Majesty of Christ the King and holy and timeless statuary and paintings stood in silent tribute to that same Christ and his glorious virgin mother whilst solemn chants were soaring hymns of praise resounded in tribute to the triumphant God.
So what really went wrong? This is what I am aiming to answer, of course it would be a lack of humility on my part to think for a minuet that I can answer anything, but I plan on placing solid evidence on posts and writings to map out what could have gone wrong, and why it went wrong, and I invite all of you to think of God's majesty and splendor and our 'nothingness'.
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