Each and every system that depends on the future generations tries to make an impact on the young who will one day be the main workforce of society. The threat towards the faith is a major issue as major building blocks of society either 1)Teach things contrary to the faith, 2)Demand an end to faith, 3) Teach a corrupt version of the faith. And what better way is there to destroy the faith than by teaching it wrongly?
It is indeed difficult for children growing up today to make decisions when it comes to their faith in Christ and his Church, as on the one hand they are presented with a belief which demands strong faith which is balanced with reason, whilst on the other hand they are told that reason is the only means of acquiring knowledge and with that knowledge faith is not required. In actual fact, it is to be avoided at all costs.
It is the case that those between the ages of 12-19 (sometimes even older) who had received the faith from their parents, either no longer practice that faith or have a difficult time accepting it. They want to believe but deep inside they feel that something is prohibiting them from that full communion. They feel ashamed to be abandoning something that as children they loved so much and believed so much and so easily without question, but even that now begins to pose difficulties for them as they begin thinking that the lack of questioning they did as children was due to their idiotic childish state, and that they must grow out of it to grow up and be what the world wants them to be.
This interesting point brings us to a famous idiom which I'm sure you've heard at some point.
"You are what you eat"
Such a statement/idiom actually holds a lot of truth. In the physical nature of man we find the organs and biological make up of the human. The digestive system is where food is actually processed and absorbed.
At the bowels the food is fully absorbed and becomes part of the human. In the old Latin Mass (tridentine)
there used to be an ancient prayer which the priest recited just after he would consume the Eucharist:
"May Your Body, O Lord, which I have eaten, and Your Blood which I have drunk, cleave to the bowels of my very soul and grant that no trace of sin be found in me, whom these pure and holy mysteries have renewed. Who live and reign, world without end. Amen."
It is a fact therefore that Christ becomes one in us and us in him at the reception of his body.
An atheist would argue that it is impossible to become part of Christ as Christ is non existent since the soul is non existent also. An argument used very often is that no scientist or doctor has ever encountered a soul within the human. But that is precisely the point! The most important things are often invisible, Just as electricity is invisible, so we see the light it emits. In medical procedures no doctor can locate a soul, just as no doctor can locate feelings or emotions but none the less just because we can't locate emotions or feelings does it mean they are non existent?
Here therefore we can finally pinpoint as to the development of children into teenagers and the loss of faith they begin to experience. Their innermost being is already formed by the sacraments which cling to them as a holy stain which even the greatest evil could never remove. However the free will of man which God instilled in every human remains, untouched and unchanged by any sacrament. Strictly speaking a man could receive Holy Communion, walk out of Church and murder someone as soon as he exists the church. The whole focus here is that God will only act if the person allows him to act.
This is why today many teenagers end up loosing the faith which they really loved as children. As they receive communion they go back to their place, sit and dose off into wonderland rather than pray a communion prayer begging Christ to walk in and cleave to them and not let go. Then comes the Thanks giving prayer after mass, which today is non-existent. Prayers of thanksgiving were a common sight after Mass, but went out the window together with the old Mass as the Hippie-guitar brigade demanded that it was an extremity leading to fundamentalism and that the mass was enough and people didn't need to say extra prayers after Mass.
If you attended a conference and were given a free blank cheque which you could cash for millions of Euros, would you not stay after the conference was over to thank the speaker who gave it to you?
With mass it's different surely, much different, because what we receive is not a blank cheque but Christ, the God man, the Trinity. Therefore how is it fundamentalism to remain after mass and thank God for the sacrament he has given to us? So complaining that the future generations are growing up to abandon the faith is partly due to the generation before them that is telling them that any extra prayer is fundamentalism.
Pray till the end of days, for the birds praise God by the flight they take to the skies and ends of the earth, so the sea creatures praise God in their moving through the waters, from the greatest depths of the Ocean to the shallowest of rivers, and so do the herds of animals running free over the earth praise God in their freedom, let man therefore who is created above all of these creatures, bow down to God and offer sacrifice day and night, let man walk with God at each moment of his life, because it is with God for eternity that man will live, face to face with his creator.