Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Resurrected blog

After having abandoned the blog due to important commitments I have decided to return to blogging for the sake of those who feel lost by the lack of teaching they are receiving from the Church today.
It's often the case with many of us that we frequent Holy Mass every Sunday (skipping out sometimes) and we leave the church feeling exactly the same as when we entered. If this is the case you're suffering from Catholic Caner. You're not alone. The majority of Catholics today suffer from Catholic Cancer, which is an illness that spreads in the person's soul due to the lack of spiritual immunity which is not present within them mainly due to the lack of teaching the person received (or rather failed to receive).

The Church today is in a state of utter chaos from the Sexual abuse problems and homosexual activity among clergy to the disastrous "performances" of new age liturgies. We often hear people state that the Church has always passed through difficult times and that this period of horror is fine when compared to the other challenges the Church faced. I say WRONG. Why are the modern day problems totally different to the ones the Church faced in the past. The answer is simple.

In the past the Church was faced with many attacks but all these attacks against her doctrine originated from outside, not within the Church. You might ask, but what about the heresy of 'Arianism' wasn't it accepted by many bishops in the beginning therefore also being an attack on the Church from within? Yes indeed Arianism was accepted for a brief period of time and there were many disputes among clergy at the time but the matter was soon cleared up and the profession of what the Church really teaches was reminded and
re-affirmed. Today's problems are far worse and on a larger scale.

Let us take as an example the Homosexual subculture that exists in the ranks of the clergy (all the ranks), it has existed for centuries and been frowned upon for centuries. In the past if certain members of the clergy suffered from homosexual tendencies, they had to seek out their lovers in secrecy, the same with heterosexual priests who fell into sin. After the horrors of the 1960's 'Sex Revolution' many convents, seminaries and houses of formation allowed their homosexual candidates to "explore their sexuality" as a healthy part of their development. This was an excuse to allow perverts to "run a muck" and jump into bed with each other.

The problems were noted by superiors and rectors alike but many allowed the problem to grow and spread as they didn't even think of it as a problem in itself. Concerned bishops ignored the problem, adopting a centuries old technique that had worked wonders for the Church in the past, the approach of "Silence".
They taught that if they ignored the problem it would go away. Had it been 1400 A.D that approach might have worked but after the '60's Sex Rev' nothing was really the same anymore including the Church. And the bishops were asleep whilst their flocks of sheep were surrounded by hungry wolves.

Not only did the problem 'not go away' but it grew and spread until thousands upon thousands of parents begun asking questions as to why their son's as altar boys weren't keen on serving Father X's Mass on Sunday, only to find out from their children years later that several years earlier they had been abused by Father X. Once again the bishops adopted the approach of silence, and simply shifted the priest to a different parish hoping that it would stop. Of course the problem only grew as more children fell prey to these men who were never meant to be entrusted with the priesthood in the first place.

Now comes the tricky bit. Notice how the modern mass media report on the stories on Sexual abuse by priests. They always use the term "pedophile priests." Why is that? And no it's not because they prey on kids. Surely you note how the media is promoting the Homosexual culture, even in television series now, it's almost become a media teleseries/soap opera tradition to insert a gay couple into the movie or what ever you want to call it. They hide mixed messages for children to unravel in their minds so that as they grow older, the next generation will be more open and accepting of homosexuality. Now we come back to the sex abuse business.

The Majority of sexual abuses which took place by "priests", or actually the majority of victims were those boys who were either going through puberty or had passed it, therefore between the ages of (13-17). Very few cases were reported where the abuses took place on children.(non-teens). With this evidence it is clear to note that the problem is not pedophilia but homosexuality in this case. And as heterosexual pervert would fall for the youthful look of a 15 year old girl, so a homosexual pervert would fall for the beauty of a 15 year old boy. The secular media (and it's hidden agenda) therefore ALWAYS refrain from even mentioning homosexuality when it comes to sexual abuse by priests as they do not want to link homosexuals to abusers, since they're trying to push the 'Gay culture.'

Do we continue discussing the problems within the Church at this point? Surely not in this article,  however more articles will be added in due time, and we ask people's input, by sending any questions you may have, which will be answered in posts/articles to come. You could choose to post anonymously or not.

God bless you for reading.

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