Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Muslim Revolution (French Revolution)

This Revolution that is unfolding before our very eyes in the Muslim countries is an indication of the peoples suffering which has been caused due to the injustice they have suffered for too long a time. What these people fail to realise is that the democracy they are asking for is a weapon that will work against them in the end.

By sticking to Europe we too could be at the right moment to produce our arguments in the forms of protests in favour of the monarchy and against the injustices that have taken place against the Austrian Monarchy which was pulled down in a strange manner that has a shady past. Could the Americans be blamed for thi? After all it was after they moved in that the monarchy in Austria fell. What we do know for sure is that Democracy has prooved to be a disaster that has promised equality (which could never be achieved), Fraternity (which could never exist), and Liberty (which is erroneously understood). The French Revolution managed to successfuly outcast God from society and has modeled the government on a secular mold, which has plagued Europe with God's wrath, France the eldest daughter of the Church has deemed God to be ubiquitous and laid back for a modern government, but of course what many fail to realise is that the republich which was founded thousands of years ago by the ancient Greeks was modeled on a PAGAN and Athiestic structure, and till today it lives up to it's name. But the monarchy? Well the first Monarchy we are made certain of is "King David" anointed by God or Solomon anointed by Nathan the prophet, and as Christianity sprouted from Christ so the monarchy continued moving on with Christ moving into greater Europe forming the Kingdoms of divinely anointed monarchs, many of whom even attained sainthood for their pious works.

But our masonic run society knows better, and a monarchy is seen as myopic and old fashioned surely the freemasonry is old fashioned then is it not? And if people think that the freemasonry are just a group who meet up to munch on Chips and Hot dogs every Friday night, they better think twice because the Freemasonry have been credited to some of the greatest horrors of history. Voltaire ( one of the main proponents of the French Revolution) was a Freemason and was welcomed in the USA with Pomp and Glory. many of the US presidents were Freemasons if not all of them, in fact the USA is founded by masonic brotherhoods. Their paper money speaks for itself like a jigsaw puzzle which is so obvious but in life, sometimes the things that are most obvious are not seen. if one takes a US bank note one could note near the Pyramid the words "Novous Ordo Seclorum." My Latin is not perfect but 'Novous ordo' is simply new order, and 'seclorum' means to be secular, hence when annexing the word  you get "New secular order" you could look that up in your own free time. But a greater question is this, why have New Secular order, and then have "in God we trust" Surely it's not the Lord God Yahweh the trinity, bore of the Virgin Mary.
It is clear that money is nothing more than a contract. You walk into a store you hand a $10 note as a contract that you have purchased $10 worth of food of Petrol, so many is the main contract that ties a contract. What greater way to spread Satanism and freemasonry then to have this contract in the hands of every citizen if a country. Each and every person will own a contract and use that contract in every day life to do things, whether its filling your car tank, shopping for clothes, shopping for food, buying a telephone, going abroad..etc.. This is the contract that ties us to freemasonry, but we can overlook all of this if we simply pray to the Virgin Mary to present our petitions to her son our Lord Jesus Christ the eternal King and echo in the corridors of history the same words the Jewish people prayed to God "oh great God the never ending creator of all, deem fit that we may have a King to rule over us, a man King who is human like us" But we pray that God restore our kings through his divine intervention and the Holy Queen of the Angels of Heaven and of Earth, so that we too may return to what tied man to King and country above all of whom resided God in his great and splendid Glory, watching over the Kingdoms who were sons of his Church.

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